Omelet-ish, but family-sized and more convenient to make. It’s what we end up with when I want something quick; I’m also not fussy about serving …
Omelet-ish, but family-sized and more convenient to make. It’s what we end up with when I want something quick; I’m also not fussy about serving …
Is this “real” chop suey? So far as I know, that’s a sort of catch-all term anyway, and this is a catch-all sort of recipe, …
Lasagne? Lasagna? I prefer the former, even though the WordPress autocorrect doesn’t like it. So our summer vacation last year was, for the first time, …
This is just about the easiest way to cook a dish with pork tenderloin I’ve come across. To be sure, you have to pair it …
This is a recipe from Boy Scouts, since my husband is a Scoutmaster. They haven’t had an outing since February, but their usual practice during …
Yes, the above image is a stock photo, in this case from Wikimedia Commons. You know what pudding looks like. It’s nothing fancy, and, …
Geschnetzeltes is a long word, but it really just means “cut-up meat” and it’s a standard German recipe for meat with a cream sauce. When …
How did I not realize until now that meatballs are tons easier to make if you bake them in the oven rather than cooking on …
It looks kind of nasty, doesn’t it? But it was a hit with my teens, and it’s no-carb so good for a variety of diets. …
I love lamb, but had really only purchased it for special occasions. Then, at some point early in the pandemic, when meat was emptied …